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11 октября 2022

Проект «Александрова дорога»: 1 СЕРИЯ. ПЕРЕСЛАВЛЬ-ЗАЛЕССКИЙ. НАЧАЛО ПУТИ

03 октября 2022

Телеканал 78: «Реальная политика»

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РГПУ им. А.И. ГерценаОбщийСтруктураИнституты Институт информационных технологий и технологического образованияКафедрыКафедра цифрового образованияПубликации и методические материалыЗарубежные публикации





Kostousov S.A., Simonova I.V. Visual modeling on programming lessons with elements of problem solving in the high school/ Information Innovative Technologies: Materials of the International scientific – practical conference /Ed. Uvaysov S.U., Ivanov I.A. – M.: Association of graduates and employees of AFEA named after prof. Zhukovsky, 2019, P.224-229

  Bogoslovskiy V., Zhukova T., Yankevich O.PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE DEVELOPMENT AND PLURAL FORMS OF WORK WITHIN ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION/ Journal of Entrepreneurship Education. 2019. V. 22. № S1. P. 356.



Tatiana Noskova, Tatiana Pavlova, Olga Yakovleva (Russia), Study of students' educational activity strategies in the social media environment // E-learning and Smart Learning Environment for the Preparation of New Generation Specialists, Edited by Eugenia Smyrnova-Trybulska, Vol. 10, 2018, — pp.113-123

  Bogoslovskiy V., Zhukova T., Vershinina L., Mozzoni A., Dobudko T., Sevenyuk S. REGIONAL MANAGEMENT IN HIGHER EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT WITHIN MULTICULTURAL PROCESSES / Espacios. 2018. V. 39. № 10.





Noskova, T., & Zubov, A. R.G. Piotrowski — the founder of computer linguistics in belarus. Paper presented at the CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 2233. 2017


Tatiana Noskova, Tatiana Pavlova, Olga Yakovleva (Russia), Prudencia Gutierrez-Esteban, Rafael Martin-Espada, Sixto Cubo-Delgado, Juan Arias-Masa, Gemma Delicado-Puerto, Laura Alonso-Diaz, Rocio Yuste-Tosina (Spain) Some trends of ICT tools application by teachers: a comparative study of russian and spanish experience // E-learning, Effective Development of Teachers' Skills in the Area of ICT and E-learning, Edited by Eugenia Smyrnova-Trybulska, Vol. 9, 2017, — pp. 229-239


Eugenia Smyrnova-Trybulska (Poland), Nataliia Morze (Ukraine), Olga Yakovleva (Russia), Tomayess Issa, Theodora Issa (Australia) Some mothodological aspects of MOOCs developing // E-learning, Effective Development of Teachers' Skills in the Area of ICT and E-learning, Edited by Eugenia Smyrnova-Trybulska, Vol. 9, 2017, — pp. 139-159


Eugenia Smyrnova-Trybulska, Maria Stec, Anna Studenska (Poland), Tatiana Noskova, Tatiana Pavlova, Olga Yakovleva (Russia), Sixto Cubo-Delgado (Spain) Glossary of terms for ICT and E-learning: compare the polish, spanish and russian approach // E-learning, Effective Development of Teachers' Skills in the Area of ICT and E-learning, Edited by Eugenia Smyrnova-Trybulska, Vol. 9, 2017, — pp. 105-119

Martin Drlík, Peter Švec, Jozef Kapusta, Michal Munk, Tatiana Noskova, Tatiana Pavlova, Olga Yakovleva, Nataliia Morze, Eugenia Smyrnova-Trybulska Identification of differences in university e-environment between selected EU and non-EU countries using knowledge mining methods: project IRNet case study // International Journal of Web Based Communities (IJWBC), Vol. 13, No. 2, 2017

Svec P., Drlik M., Noskova T., Pavlova T., Yakovleva O., Munk M. Analysis of University e-Environment in Selected European Countries – IRNet Case Study. In: Issa T., Isaias P., Issa T. (eds) Sustainability, Green IT and Education Strategies in the Twenty-first Century. Green Energy and Technology, 2017, Springer, Cham. – pp 473-501 




Noskova T., Pavlova T., Yakovleva O. Social media for shaping professianal experience of master degree students // E-learning Methodology — Implementation and Evaluation, Edited by Eugenia Smyrnova-Trybulska, Vol. 8, 2016, 479p. — pp. 91-101
Eugenia Smyrnova-Trybulska, Ewa Ogrodzka-Mazur, Anna Szafrańska-Gajdzica, Nataliia Morze, Rusudan Makhachashvili, Tatiana Noskova, Tatiana Pavlova, Olga Yakovleva, Tomayess Issa and Theodora Issa MOOCS – Theoretical and practical aspects: Comparison of selected research results: Poland, Russia, Ukraine, and Australia // Proceedings of the international conferences 6 — 8 desember. -  Australia, 2016, Edited by Piet Kommers, Tomayess Issa, Theodora Issa, Elspeth McKay and Pedro Isaías, 372p. — pp. 107-114 
  1. Noskova T., Pavlova T., Yakovleva O. Modern education quality requirements and information technologies in academic teachers’ activities // Int. J. Cont. Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning, Vol. 26, No. 2, 2016, pp. 434-459

  2. Noskova T., Pavlova T., Yakovleva O. et al. Quality features of university information environment in its external indicators // Int. J. Cont. Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning, Vol. 26, No. 2, 2016, pp. 196-216


Eugenia Smyrnova-Trybulska, Ewa Ogrodzka-Mazur, Anna Szafrańska-Gajdzica, Ewelina Doluk, Piet Kommers, Nataliia Morze, Tatiana Noskova, Tatiana Pavlova, Olga Yakovleva, Paulo Pinto, Juan Arias Masa, Sixto Cubo Delgado, Gemma Delicado Puerto, Martin Drlik, Josef Malach, Tomayess Issa, Maryna Romanyukha Report on the Implementation of WorkPackage 2 “Analyses of Legal, Ethical, Human, Technical and Social Factors of ICT and E-learning Development and Intercultural Competences State in Every Partner Country” in the Framework of the IRNet Project // International Journal of Research in E-learning Vol. 1 (1). — Katowice, 2015, 134p. — pp. 99-116


Noskova T., Yakovleva O., Pavlova T., Smyrnova-Trybulska E. Students in the information environment: a study of educational and extracurricular activities // Int. J. Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning, 2015, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 394-410


Noskova Tatyana, Pavlova Tatyana, Yakovleva Olga, Smyrnova-Trybulska Eugenia, Švec Peter, Drlík Martin, Tomanová Júlia, Cápay Martin Developing Technical Skills of Pupils in Primary and Secondary schools // Information and Communication Technology in Education. — Rožnov pod Radhoštěm Czech Republic, 2015. — 248p. — PP. 182-187


Tatiana Noskova, Tatiana Pavlova, Olga Yakovleva, Natalia Morze, Eugenia Smyrnova-Trybulska, Peter Švec, Júlia Tomanová, Martin Drlík, Martin Cápay IT tools in a university — e-learning environment : students’ opinion survey // IT tools — Good Practice of Effective Use in Education. Monograph, Sc. Editor Eugenia Smyrnova-Trybulska, — University of Silesia, Studio-Noa, Katowice-Cieszyn, 2015. - 408 p. - PP. 13-27


Peter Svec, Martin Drlik, Michal Munk, Julia Tomanova, Tatiana Noskova, Olga Yakovleva, Tatiana Pavlova Assessing the use of university E-environments among selected universities in EU and non-EU countries // Procedings of International conferences on Internet technologies and society 2015 and ICEduTech 2015 and Sustanability, Technology and Eeducation 2015. Florianópolic, Ssntacatarina, BRAZIL, 2015 — 162 p. — PP. 73-79


  1. Vardan Mkttchian, Alexander Bozhday, Alexander Bershadsky, Tatiana Noskova Development of a Global Policy of All-Pervading E-Learning, Based on Transparency, Strategy, and Model of Cyber Triple H-Avatar // Development of a Global Policy of All-Pervading E-Learning, Based on Transparency, Strategy, and Model of Cyber Triple H-Avatar. —  p. — PP. 207-208

  2. Tatyana Noskova, Tatyana Pavlova, Olga Yakovleva Web 3.0 Technologies and Transformation of Pedagogical Activities // Artificial Intelligence Technologies and the Evolution of Web 3.0.  PP. 16, 416 

  3. Noskova T., Pavlova T., Iakovleva O. WEB 3.0 Technologies and transformation of pedagogical activities // Artificial Intelligence Technologies and the Evolution of Web 3.0. - Hershey, 2015. - Information Science Reference. — P. 13-36


  1. Kommers P., Smyrnova-Trybulska E., Morze N., Noskova T., Pavlova T., Yakovleva O. First Ouycomes of WP2 Research Carried Out Within the Framework of the IRNet Project — International Reseach Network // DIVAI 2014-10th International Scientific Conference on Distance Learning in Applied Informatics. — Prague, 2014. - 652 p. — PP. 357-371

  2. Zhukova T.A., Aniskin V.N., Bogoslovskiy V.I., Pisareva S.A. Multicultural Pedagogy Development in Modern Education // Journal of US-China Public Administration. — 2014. — 11(6). — P.541-547

  3. V.N. Aniskin, V.I. Bogoslovskiy, K.L.Bebell, T.V.Dobudko, S.A. Pisareva, T.A. Zhukova. Characteristics of a transformative model for multiculteral education, based on research in Russia and Germany. // Life Science Journal. — 2014. — 11(12).- P.193-197.

  4. Aniskin, V.N., Bogoslovskiy, V.I., Zhukova, T.A., Bebell, K.L. The role of comparative research in the development of multiculturalism within educational systems // Life Science Journal. — 2014. — 11 (SPEC. ISSUE 8).- P.246-248.

  5. E-learning& Lifelong Learning: monograph / scientific editor Eugenia Smyrnova-Trybulska. – Katowice-Cieszyn 2013. – 583 p.

  6. Kommers P., Smyrnova-Trybulska E., Morze N., Noskova T., Yakovleva O., Pavlova T., Drlik M., Malach J., Cubo Delgado S., Pinto P., Issa T., Issa T. Contrastive analyses and evalution of the ict and e-learning competences in Australia, Czech Republic, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovakia, Spain and Ukraine within the framework of the irnet international research network project // E-learning and intercultural competences development in different countries. - Scientific Editor Eugenia Smyrnova-Trybulska. Katowice, 2014. - University of Silesia in Katowice.- P. 13-30

  7. Noskova T., Pavlova T., Yakovleva O., Morze N., Drlik M. Information enviroment of blended learning: aspects of teaching and quality // E-learning and intercultural competences development in different countries. - Scientific Editor Eugenia Smyrnova-Trybulska. Katowice, 2014. - University of Silesia in Katowice. — P. 73-94

  8. Noskova T., Pavlova T., Yakovleva O., Sharova N. Communicative competence development for future teachers // New educational review. — №4. — P. 188-198


  1. Куликова С.С., Яковлева О.В. The Virtual Environment Influence on the Socialization of Today's Youth // APRN Journal of Science and Technology NO.4 Vol.3 Электронный журнал. — 2013

  2. Shilova O.N. Educational project – relevant form of continuing professional development of teacher материалы конференций Lifelong Learning: Continuous Education for Sustainable Development: proc. of the 11th int. conf.: in 2 pts. / arr. N.a.Lobanov.  Vol. 11. —  SPb: Pushkin LSU, 2013 – С.32-36

  3. Shilova O.N. Model of advanced training of teaching staff in the context of informal education материалы конференций Lifelong Learning: Continuous Education for Sustainable Development: proc. Of the 11th int. conf., Minsk, September, 27-28. 2013 / Minsk Institute of Management; arr. V.V. Hedranovich and N.V. Susha.  Vol. 11. — Рt.III. Minsk, MIM, 2013. – С. 31-38 

  4. Яковлева О.В., Кавин Б.А. Сетевое сообщество как инструмент развития студенческого самоуправления // Materiály IX mezinárodnívědecko – praktická conference «Efektivnínástrojemoderníchvěd – 2013». — Díl 22.Pedagogika. – Прага: Publishing house «Education and Science», 2013. – С. 72-74

Последнее изменение: 29 мая 2019 г. в 16:12:51
Автор: Устюгова Татьяна Андреевна
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