Dear head of UNESCO Chair,
As you know World Teachers’ Day will be celebrated on 5 October with the theme: Take a stand for teachers.
This international day needs to be promoted. It is necessary to give the day more visibility at institutional level, political level and the general public. We are currently planning the day’s activities and wish to involve a maximum of interested parties to contribute to promoting the day and communicating on teacher matters. Do you in general undertake an activity for World Teachers’ Day? If so, what type of activity? What sort of activities have you undertaken in the past? For the 2012 celebrations we wish to explore possibilities of joint and/or complementary activities, that could be organized before the day, on the day and after 5 October. Your suggestions and experiences are of great value to us – please keep us posted over the next few days regarding ideas for 5 October 2012.
Kindest regards,
Géraldine De St Pern & Marina Forzani
Section for Teacher Development and Education Policies
Division for Teacher Development and Higher Education
Это могут быть выставки, фотографии, видео, конкурсы, семинары и проч. Для того, чтобы представить себя и свои материалы, необходимо зарегистрироваться на сейте, указанном в следующем письме:
Dear Heads of UNESCO Chairs,
As promised in our past emails regarding the celebration and promotion of World Teachers’ Day 2012, we are sharing with you the link of the celebrations map which will allow each of you to register your celebration or event for 5 October 2012. You will also have the possibility to share your videos and photos through this map, using the appropriate category.
Go to and click on “Submit a celebration”.
The registration process is simple and easy: give a title, a description, choose your category, locate yourself and share any relevant source of information. Once our team has checked and validated your submission it will appear on the map!
In a bid to encourage for all to «Take a Stand for Teachers!» this World Teachers' Day, if you know of others who plan on undertaking an activity for teachers or about teacher issues, please do not hesitate to share this map with them, allowing us to promote activities around the world in an aim to involve as many people as possible!
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Kindest regards,
Geraldine De St Pern & Marina Forzani
Section for teacher development and education policies
Division for teacher development and higher education
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