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11 октября 2022

Проект «Александрова дорога»: 1 СЕРИЯ. ПЕРЕСЛАВЛЬ-ЗАЛЕССКИЙ. НАЧАЛО ПУТИ

03 октября 2022

Телеканал 78: «Реальная политика»

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РГПУ им. А.И. ГерценаОбщийСтруктураИнституты Институт экономики и управленияКафедра управления образованием и кадрового менеджментаПреподавателиТимченкоTimchenko Victor

Timchenko Victor 

— associate professor (docent), PhD, quality auditor EOQ, editorial board member of the Human Kinetic International Journal of Sport Communication
Department of the Educational Management and HR Management of the Institute of Economics and Management of the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia

2007-2009 MBA, School of Management, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
2001 PhD in Education Science, Military Institute of Physical Culture, St. Petersburg
1981-1986 Radio engineer, Mozhaysky Military Space Academy, St. Petersburg

Advance professional training:
2016 Models and methods for the independent evaluation of the quality of education (Pastukhov Academy, Yaroslavl)
2014 Ouality of IT services (CIS, Vienna)
2014 Information Security Management (APMG, London)
2013 Internationalization of educational process in higher educational institutions (English language)
2013 “Energy management”, Quality Austria (Vienna)
2013 “Auditing of social responsibility systems upon IQNet SR-10 & ISO 26000 standards” – Cro-Cert (Zagreb, Croatia)
2010 “Risk management”, State Academy of Industrial Management (Yaroslavl) – Quality Austria (Vienna)
2008 “Integrated management systems (quality & environment & safety)”, State Academy of Industrial Management (Yaroslavl) – Quality Austria (Vienna)
2008 “Innovative programs in university management”, National American University, SD, USA
2007 “EOQ quality audit”, European Quality Centre, Moscow, (certificate of the European Organization for Quality)
2006 “Swedish model of advance vocational training”, Folkuniversitetet, Uppsala, Sweden
2004 “Project Management”, Project Management Institute, Agilidea Group, St. Petersburg
2001 British Council, English Language School, 385 h (IELTS Certificate)


2015-2017 Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, School of Economics and Management
– Associate professor at the department of the Educational Management and HR management
2003 – 2014 Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
Positions held: – Associate professor at the School of Management
–  Head of the Quality Centre
–  Quality auditor of the European Organization for Quality
Administrative responsibilities:
-    Vice dean of the School of Management for quality management system and PR
-    Member of the Strategic Program’s Council of the Herzen University
-    Operational manager of the research brunch “Theory and methodology of social management and quality assurance” in the Herzen University
-    Head of advance vocational training program “Development of HEI Based on Quality Management System”
-    Manager of the educational program “Management in Sport”
1990 – 2003 Senior Scientific Associate in the Military Space Academy, St. Petersburg
1998 – 2001 Teacher for the Environmental Management, Institute for Advance Professional Training at Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg

Laureate of the St. Petersburg’s Administration Award for the achievements in the sphere of professional education, 2009
Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science, 2012

Participation in projects:
–        TEMPUS E3M «Evaluation of Quality of Cooperation in Education Ecosystem as a Mechanism for Building Professional Competencies»
–        Manager of the project “Professional training of top management reserve for the Ufa State Petroleum Technological University”, Ufa, 2011-2012.
–        Manager of the project “Development of the Quality Management System in the Noth-East Federal University named after Ammosov”, Yakutsk, 2011.
–        Manager of the project “Advance vocational training workshop for rectors, vice-rectors, managers for quality assurance of Russian universities “Development of HEI Based on Quality Management System”, 12 workshops during 2003 - 2011
–        Bridge-2 “MSc Educational Leadership”, British Council and National Training Foundation of Great Britain project, 2005-2009
–        UNESCO project «Restructuring of Russian Higher Educational Institutions», 2007
–        “Managers’ training for the development of Russian regional universities”, New Eurasia Foundation project, 2006-2007
–        “Distribution of Swedish Advance Vocational Training Model for Russian Region Development”, Swedish Ministry of Education project, 2005-2007
–        Head of the project “Expertise of projects and programs for the development of education”, Federal Agency for Education of Russian Federation research project, 2005 

Participation in conferences and congresses:
2017 - 5th congress of the Latin America Sport Management Association Algede “Towards Professionalization of Sport Management in New World Countries”, Buenos Aires 
2015 - 16th International Symposium on Quality, Croatian Quality Managers Society, Opatia, Croatia
2013 - “Management of 21 century: resources of education and business” – St. Petersburg, Herzen University, November, 27-28, 2013.
2013 - EASM conference 2013/ «Sport Management for Quality of Life», 12-13 September 2013, Istanbul (Turkey)
2012 - “The 20th EASM conference 2012. Sport between business and civil society”, Aalborg, Denmark.
2011 - “The 19th EASM conference 2011”, Madrid, Spain.
2010-2012 - Annual conference «Effective cooperation in Europe: the role of regional and local authorities in EU-Russia relations», Belgium, Brussels.
2011 - «Turku informal round table on Baltic Sea cooperation. Special focus: Effective cooperation with Russian local and regional partners», Turku, Finland.
2003-2013 - Annual international conference, “Management of XXIst Century”, St. Petersburg 
2008-2009 - Annual congress of EOQ, Vienna (Austria),  Dubrovnik (Croatia)

Books and Articles:
–      more than 100 articles and research papers  
–      more than 10 books such as “Environmental management in educational institutions: concepts, systems and practice of network interaction” (2012), “Quality Management Systems in HEI” (2008), “Environmental management in pedagogical university” (2008), “Monitoring of Quality in Education” (2010), “Management” (2006, 2008, 2016), “IT for Education” (2003), “Basics of Distance Learning” (1999)

–      administration of innovative projects
–      teaching & training students and adult people using active methods and e‑learning
–      audit of management systems (ISO)
–      consulting for management systems (ISO) and development
–      advanced computer skills


Fields of professional interest:  
–      Management and Economics
–      Quality Management
–      Risk Management
–      Project Management
–      Change Management
–      Information Security Management

Последнее изменение: 12 февраля 2020 г. в 2:18:39
Автор: Тимченко Виктор Владимирович
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