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11 октября 2022

Проект «Александрова дорога»: 1 СЕРИЯ. ПЕРЕСЛАВЛЬ-ЗАЛЕССКИЙ. НАЧАЛО ПУТИ

03 октября 2022

Телеканал 78: «Реальная политика»

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РГПУ им. А.И. ГерценаОбщийДеятельностьКонференцииМеждународный конгресс «Учитель в современном мире»english version

As a part of activities marking the Year of Teachers, Herzen State University in conjunction with the Institute of Teacher Education of the Russian Academy of Education
«The teacher in the modern world»

(4-5 October 2010)

As part of the congress, there will be a discussion on the problems of teaching in the context of the ideas being considered by the international educational community as the most pressing:
• Global challenges to professional teachers;
• Cultural and social changes in society, providing the most significant impact on the professional activities of teachers;
• Social justice, including the idea of equal access to quality education, inclusive education, multicultural education, education of the gifted;
• Education for sustainable development as the principle of the teacher;
• State, regional, local policy regarding the teaching profession;
• Assessment of professional teachers, including the problem of teacher certification, a national qualifications framework, requirements for admission to employment;
• Professional development of teaching, including skills in the workplace and with a separation from work, the problems of vertical and horizontal career;
• The prestige of the teaching profession, provided by professional screening, the image of teachers in society;
• Teacher training (institutions, content and organization of training, teaching internship).

Congress participants will be able to discuss any problems in the framework of the breakout sessions and round tables, listen to speeches and lectures by famous Russian scholars, get acquainted with the work of educational institutions in St. Petersburg.
Working languages — Russian, English.

Applications for participation in the congress accepted until September 1, 2010

On materials of the congress, scientific articles will be published .
Articles are published only on condition of full-time participation in the conference and accepted in the period from 1 July to 1 September 2010 by e-mail: congress_teacher@herzen.spb.ru
The Editorial Board reserves the right to select articles for publication in the proceedings of Congress.
The registration fee for participants is 500 rubles


Последнее изменение: 27 июля 2010 г. в 18:09:23
Автор: Синицына Анна Игоревна
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