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  • UNITWIN Network of Pedagogical Education: “Multicultural Dialogue Cooperation Programme”
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11 октября 2022

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03 октября 2022

Телеканал 78: «Реальная политика»

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РГПУ им. А.И. ГерценаОбщийСтруктураДругие подразделенияКафедра ЮНЕСКО «Образование в поликультурном обществе»Педагогическая сеть ЮНЕСКО (UNITWIN Network of Pedagogical Education: “Multicultural Dialogue Cooperation Programme”)UNITWIN Network of Pedagogical Education: “Multicultural Dialogue Cooperation Programme”

UNITWIN Network of Pedagogical Education: “Multicultural Dialogue Cooperation Programme”


























High appreciation of the UNESCO Chair on Sciences of Education’s work, expressed by UNESCO Headquarters, has provided the opportunity to open the University-based UNESCO Pedagogical Network «Multicultural Dialogue Cooperation Programme».



York University is hosting the Sustainable and Inclusive Internationalization Virtual Conference, co-organized by York International, the UNESCO Chair in Reorienting Education Towards Sustainability and international partners, from 20-22 January 2021.


Call for papers: 05 October 2020

Submission deadline: 15 November 2020

Proposals review: 15–29 November 2020

Acceptances communicated: 30 November 2020

Find out more


The UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP) is seeking students (12-18 years old), parents and educators to participate in a series of virtual roundtables on 'Reimagining Education'. The roundtables will discuss ideas on (1) the purpose of education, (2) expectations of learning experiences, (3) envisioning learning spaces, and (4) the future of education and the environment. The findings from the discussions are expected to guide and support policymaking and also contribute to the International Science and Evidence-based Education (ISEE) Assessment and UNESCO's Futures of Education initiative.


To apply to participate, click here.

For more information, click here.

UNESCO launches Global Skills Academy to boost employability of one million youth as recession looms.

For more information about the Global Skills Academy, click here.

To read the press release, click here.















«Today, we celebrate teachers around the world. It is World Teachers´ Day 2020 — a letter by Charles Hopkins (UNESCO Chair in Reorienting Education towards Sustainability, York University Toronto, Canada)




 GEM Report — News Alert (September 2020) is released.




Monthly Digest (September 2020) of UNESCO Education Sector is released.




Published by the UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP), this report reviews the latest research on Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), its impact on student health and school climate and its transformative role in building happier classrooms. It provides guidance to teachers, policymakers, parents and learners on what constitutes key characteristics of a ‘good’ SEL framework. The publication stresses the urgent need to mainstream SEL in education systems in order to shape a future that embraces and facilitates improved academic success as well as peace and human flourishing.


To read the publication, click here.

For more information, click here.

UNESCO IITE in partnership with the research team led by Professor Xiaoyun Wang at Tsinghua University launches Personal Data Security Technical Guide for Online Education Platforms . Professors from Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shandong University and technical experts from Microsoft, Alibaba, Tencent, Inspur and Blackboard have made collective contribution to the accomplishment of this work in a short period of time.



The UNESCO COVID-19 Education Response Webinar on Implications for the Global Higher Education Campus took place on 15 May 2020. Concept note and agendaList of Links .


 If you are still experiencing school closures, we recommend UNESCO resources for distance learning and schooling at home. For a safe return to school, we invite you to look into the UNESCO framework for reopening schools if you wish to get guidance.



The Higher Education Section, UNESCO, has produced «UNITWIN/UNESCO Chair Holders Institutional Responses to COVID-19. Preliminary results of a survey conducted in April 2020». The current report presents the preliminary summary findings of a survey of UNITWIN/UNESCO Chair programme host universities, distributed electronically to all 793 institutions in English, French and Spanish from 6-20 April 2020 The express purpose of the survey was to facilitate the rapid collection and sharing of the immediate challenges facing higher education provides and their individual institutional efforts to continue their learning, teaching and research missions during the COVID-19 pandemic.

 New guidelines on the safe reopening of schools have been issued, offering practical advice for national and local authorities on how to keep children safe when they return to school. The guidance covers many aspects of school reopening including policy reform, financing requirements, safe operations, compensating learning, wellness and protection, and reaching the most marginalized. The Framework was jointly developed by UNESCO, UNICEF, World Bank, and World Food Programme as part of the Global Education Coalition.

To read the ‘Framework for Reopening Schools’, click here.






Последнее изменение: 13 октября 2020 г. в 11:04:22
Автор: Марковичева Анна Михайловна
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