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11 октября 2022

Проект «Александрова дорога»: 1 СЕРИЯ. ПЕРЕСЛАВЛЬ-ЗАЛЕССКИЙ. НАЧАЛО ПУТИ

03 октября 2022

Телеканал 78: «Реальная политика»

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РГПУ им. А.И. Герцена

The Message of the Herzen State Pedagogical University Alumni Association

Dear students and alumni of the Herzen State Pedagogical University,


All together we are very anxious about the recent world crisis which attacked all the spheres of our life and education in particular.

Hopefully you and your relatives are healthy and doing well!

We wish everyone all the very best during this challenging time!


This message to our students and alumni is to inform our unique academic community about the current situation in the University.

Even though class attendance was switched to distant learning we believe that our University still keeps its academic and educational capabilities being one of the most attractive schools of St.Petersburg.


During this challenging period unity and mutual understanding within our University staff including students and faculty members helps us to fulfill the generous mission of our University: to train future educators able to disclose human capabilities during various periods of life which sometimes can be challenging and unfavorable.


Considering health and safety of our students and staff as our priority we do follow the recommendations of our city and federal authorities. We kindly ask you to keep yourself in quarantine, not to leave your house unless it’s urgent as well as to take care of your relatives, kids and senior family members.


We kindly ask you to stay calm and try not to succumb panic and anxiety. We believe that due to your education and profound professional training as well as critical thinking skills and open mind you can  distinguish unbiased and reliable information from numerous fakes flooding the Internet nowadays. Extremely dangerous Coronavirus embracing the whole countries brings distress and convulsions to the world. As a result, dramatic changes in our society will certainly require your knowledge and skills to design innovative educational projects adjusted to renewed social environment.


All together we are working hard to recompose and reassure our students, faculty members and alumni.

We are very grateful to all of you for your selfless efforts in this constantly changing situation. We appreciate your sympathy and believe that together we can go through this challenging time.


Nowadays many of you question about the possibility of assistance to our University.


Our students and recent alumni face new economic realities that nobody could predict 2 months ago. They and their families are anxious about their future life and career start. If you want to give any professional advice or recommendations, share your career experience with our students, you are welcome to our group in social media: https://vk.com/huaaspb.


Moreover if you want to support members of our Association during this challenging time, please contact us via email: info@herzenalumni.ru

We appreciate and welcome any suggestions of support and assistance.


Considering that the current situation with COVID 19 remains unclear we decided to postpone our Alumni meeting to the beginning of the 2021. Further information about the new date will be sent to all of you soon. We are looking forward to seeing all of you when the threat of pandemic is behind. Let us stay in touch, while we will support all of you during this period. If you have never received any letters from our Association, please contact us so that we could add you in our list. Our email is: info@herzenalumni.ru


We invite all the members of our Association as well as our students and faculty members to take part in our contest, bringing together all your creative ideas about your quarantine experience. Send us videos, pictures, photos, collages and selfies, sharing positive vibes within our community. Make sure that you put our hashtag #herzentogether so that we could find them. Winners will be rewarded and get prizes from our Association at the end of the competition.

Follow us in our group https://vk.com/huaaspb and stay updated.


Take care!


Cordially yours,

L.A. Balyasnikova, President of the Association 

F.V. Monakhov, Executive Director of the Association 

Association Team

Последнее изменение: 2 апреля 2020 г. в 10:58:50
Автор: Фрейдкин Михаил Алексеевич
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