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11 октября 2022

Проект «Александрова дорога»: 1 СЕРИЯ. ПЕРЕСЛАВЛЬ-ЗАЛЕССКИЙ. НАЧАЛО ПУТИ

03 октября 2022

Телеканал 78: «Реальная политика»

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РГПУ им. А.И. ГерценаОбщийСтруктураИнституты Институт музыки, театра и хореографииБезымянная страницаБезымянная страницаIX Международный конкурс «Санкт-Петербург в зеркале мировой музыкальной культуры»ПоложениеRegulations



The competition’s goal is to find and promote talented performers: music teachers of all levels of music education as well as music students of all levels of study.

The Competition is a member of the Russian Association of Music Competitions.


I. Participation

The following groups of participants will compete separately:

Group 1: Age: 6-8.

Group 2: Age: 9-11.

Group 3: Age: 12-14.

Group 3а: Age: 15-17 (excluding Solo voice majors).

Group 3b: Age: 18-20 (excluding Solo voice majors).

Group 4: high school students and students of institutions of high professional music education aged 14 through 25.

Group 4а: students of music teacher’s colleges and special music classes at lyceums and high schools aged 14 through 21.

Group 4б: students of vocational schools aged 15 through 25.

Group 5а: undergraduate and graduate music pedagogy majors aged 17 through 30. 

Group 5b: undergraduate and graduate students majoring in culture and arts aged 17 through 30.

Group 6а: doctoral students and teachers –with no age limit.

Group 6б: directors of children choirs – with no age limit.

Group 7а: children’s choirs with members aged up to 9.

Group 7b: junior children’s choirs with members aged up to 14.

Group 7c: senior children’s and youth choirs with members aged up to 18.

Group 8: female, male or mixed choirs with members aged 18+.

Group 9: vocal ensembles (up to 12 members).

All ages are as of January, 25 2021.


II. Categories

  • Solo piano — Groups1, 2, 3, 4, 5а, 5b and 6a.
  • Solo orchestral instruments — Groups 1, 2, 3, 4, 5а, 5b and 6a.
  • Solo voice — Groups 2, 3, 3а, 3b, 4, 5а, 5b and 6a.
  • Ensembles — Groups 4, 5а, 5b and 6.
  • Collaborative piano — Groups 4, 5а, 5b and 6a.
  • Choral conducting — Groups 4, 5а, 5b, 6a and 6b.
  • Choral singing — Groups 7а, 7b, 7c, 8 and 9.


III. General rules

The order of appearance in the second and the third rounds will be drawn by lot prior to the beginning of the second round and remain the same until the end of the competition.

One participant may take part in multiple categories.

All auditions are open to the public.


All auditions are conducted on video recordings (Videos made between 03/15/2019 and December 30, 2020 are accepted). Each piece should be recorded in one file without editing. It is allowed to provide files with recordings of works that meet the program requirements of the competition, made at different times in the above period.

Video recordings are sent as a link to your video in YouTube, or to cloud services: Yandex.Disk, Google.Disk.

Links to video recordings must be indicated on the registration card, or in a separate letter sent to the Organizing Committee of the competition.


Practice facilities in the studios of the Institute of Music, Theatre and Choreography as well as rehearsals in the concert hall are provided for all the participants.

Participants will be provided with the Institute’s accompanists if they apply to the Organization Committee in advance.

Prize–winners are bound to take part in the final concert.

The Organization Committee reserves all the rights for audio / video recording of the competition without any payment to the participants.


IV. Prizes

The criteria of evaluation of the participants are as follows:

  • personal interpretation of the repertory;
  • understanding of styles and compositional principles in the process of creating of the poetic image;
  • performance culture (architectonic feeling, richness of sonorous palette, rhythm and intonation, precise articulation, expressiveness of dynamics etc.);
  • mastery in overcoming technical difficulties; and
  • artistry, brightness of self-expression.

The winners will be awarded prizes and souvenirs and will be given titles of “laureate” or “diplomant” (honorable mention). Best accompanists and illustrators will be given titles of “diplomants” (honorable mention).

Winners of the 1st prizes participate in the final round of the Grand Prix: a piece for 5-10 minutes from the previously listened program, on the recommendation of the jury, is provided for viewing to all jury members of all categories. The Grand Prix is ​​awarded by an overwhelming majority of votes. Grand Prix size = 65,000 rubles. (including personal income tax).


V. Jury

The jury will consist of well-known Russian and foreign musicians.

10-score system will be used for evaluation of every performance without preliminary discussion. Extreme points being rejected the average score will be counted up according to the rest of voting jurors. The Counting Committee will be appointed by the Organization Board.

Rounds will be evaluated separately.

6,5 is the minimum score to be admitted to the Second Round.

Summing up the results of the First and the Second Rounds the First, Second, Third Prize-winners and honorable mentions will be defined. In particular cases a Prize may be divided between several participants.

Honorable mention may be granted to the best accompanists in all categories except for Piano solo, Ensembles and Collaborative piano.

In addition to laureateship and honorable mention, special prizes could be also awarded (for the best performance of music by a regional composer, for the best performance of a piece by Leningrad/St. Petersburg composer, for the best performance of the large-scale composition etc.).

The decision of the jury is final and beyond appeal.


VI. Financial regulations

Entry fees are:

1000 Rubles for Groups 1, 2, 3, 3а and 4;

2000 Rubles for Groups 3b, 5а, 5b, 6a and 6b;

3000 Rubles for choirs up to 25 members,

4000 Rubles for choirs exceeding 25 members (Groups 7а, 7b, 7c and 8);

2000 Rubles for the Group 9.

For category Ensembles the entry fee is:

Group 4 — 1500 Rubles; 

Groups 5а, 5б and 6а — 2000 Rubles.


Participation in multiple categories requires entry fee payment for each one. The Entry fee is not refundable.

All traveling, accommodation and other expenses are the responsibility of the participants or the sending party. Participants must acquire their passports, visas and medical insurances on their own.

On request, the Organization Committee can help to reserve an accommodation in the Herzen University hotel or other hotels of the city.


VII. Order of application

The application deadline is 31 December 2020. Applicants should email to the Organization Committee the following documents:

  • Completed application form (any changes in the form, if they appear to be necessary afterwards, will be considered by the Organization Committee individually)
  • Photocopies of all the documents specified in the application form;
  • Photocopy of the bank receipt proving payment of the entry fee;
  • and a photograph.


VIII. Organization committee

The Organization Committee has been formed to organize and carry out the competition. It is commissioned to resolve all matters arising both before and after the beginning of the contest. The members of the Organization Committee have been appointed by the Rector of RSPU.


IX. Repertory requirements

The choice of repertoire is at the participant’s discretion within repertoire requirements.

The participant, taking part in several categories, must not perform the same program.

All participants are bound to include in their program a piece either written by a St. Petersburg/Leningrad composer or thematically connected with the City on the Neva River.

A piece by a contemporary composer means one written in or after 1940.

All pieces must be played from memory*.

Performance of the same piece on the First and the Second Round is not allowed.

Participants are to provide the Jury with the music of the pieces they perform.  


٭ Performance from music is only allowed for the categories Ensembles and Collaborative Piano.


Solo piano

Group 1

(time limit 8 min)

  • An 18thC- A 19thC composition.
  • A 19thC composition.
  • A 20-21stC composition.


Group 2

(time limit10 min)

  • An 18thC-A 19thC composition.
  • A 19thC composition.
  • A 20-21stC composition.


Group 3

1 Round (time limit 12 min)

  • An 18thC-A 19thC  composition.
  • A 19thC composition.


2 Round (time limit 12 min)

  • A 19thC composition.
  • A 20-21stC composition.


Groups 4, 5а, 5b and

1 Round (time limit 20 min)

  • A polyphonic cycle (a Prelude and Fugue by J. S. Bach, D. Shostakovich, R. Shchedrin or S. Slonimsky, or an Interlude and Fugue by P. Hindemith)
  • Two contrasting pieces, including one by a St. Petersburg/Leningrad composer.


2 Round (time limit 25 min)

  • The first or two concluding movements from a sonata, or a set of variations by J. Haydn, W. A. Mozart, L. Beethoven or F. Schubert.
  • A concert etude or a big virtuoso piece by a 19thC composer.


Solo orchestral instruments


a) the instruments of the symphony orchestra

b) folk instruments


Group 1

(time limit 8 min)

  • 2 contrasting pieces, including a work by a contemporary composer.


Group 2

(time limit10 min)

  • 2 contrasting pieces, including a work by a contemporary composer.


Groups 3, 4, 5а, 5b and 6a

1 Round (time limit 20 min)

  • 2 contrasting pieces, including a work by a contemporary composer.
  • a big virtuoso piece

2 Round (time limit 30 min)

  • The first or two concluding movements from a sonata, or a set of variations, or a fantasy, or a suite
  • 2 contrasting pieces, including a piece by a composer of country (region) of the participant


Solo voice

Group 2

(time limit 10 min)

  • A folk tune with piano accompaniment or a cappella.
  • An art song.
  • A composition at the contestant’s discretion.


Group 3

1 Round (time limit 8 min)

  • A 16-18thC aria, arietta, madrigal or canzona.
  • A composition at the contestant’s discretion (folk tune with piano accompaniment or a cappella, or an art song).

2 Round (time limit 8 min)

  • A folk tune with piano accompaniment.
  • An 18-21stC art song.



1 Round (time limit 10 min)

  • A 16-18thC aria, arietta, madrigal or canzona.
  • A song by a Russian composer.

2 Round (time limit 12 min)

  • An 18-19thC Russian or Western aria.
  • A song by a Western composer.


Group 3b

1 Round (time limit 10 min)

  • A 16-18thC aria.
  • A song by a Russian composer.

2 Round (time limit 15 min)

  • A Western operatic aria.
  • A Russian operatic aria.
  • A song by a Western composer or a 20-21stC composition.


Group 4

1 Round (time limit 15 min)

  • A 17-18thC aria.
  • A folk tune.

2 Round (time limit 20 min)

  • A Western/Russian operatic aria.
  • A Western/Russian art song.


Group 5а, 5b and 6a

1 Round (time limit 15 min)

  • A 17-18thC aria.
  • A folk tune.
  • A Western/Russian art song.

2 Round (time limit 20 min)

  • A Western/Russian operatic aria.
  • A work by a 20-21stC compatriot of the contestant.



The repertory requirements are identical for all Groups.

Three types of ensembles are possible:

а) piano ensembles;

b) various chamber instrumental ensembles (2 to 5 players, with or without piano). In case of ensembles with piano, if players belong to different groups, the group of the pianist is decisive. For ensembles without piano, the group to which the majority of the players belong is decisive;

c) various ensembles of folk instruments (the group to which the majority of the players belong is decisive).


Group 4, 5а, 5b and 6a

1 Round (time limit 20 min)

Types а) and c):

  • Two contrasting miniatures including a contemporary composition.
  • A big virtuoso piece.

Type b):

  • Two or more works of a major form (individual movements are allowed) by different authors, one of which is a Viennese classical composer.


2 Round (time limit 30 min)

Types а):

  • The work of a major form (or individual movements): sonata, variations, fantasy, suite;
  • Two contrasting pieces including a work by a compatriot of the contestant.

Type b) and c):

  • Program should include a piece by a composer of country (region) of the participant.


The type b) ensembles are only allowed to perform compositions with equality of parts: accompanied solo pieces and arrangements (except for those made by the composer him/herself) are not allowed.

Only one arrangement or transcription may be included in the program of the type a) ensembles.  

The type c) ensembles are allowed to perform transcriptions and arrangements


Collaborative piano

Group 4

1 Round (time limit 15 min)

  • Any operatic aria written after 1750.
  • A vocal work by a Leningrad/St. Petersburg composer written after 1950.     

2 Round (time limit 20 min)

  • A song by Western/Russian composer.
  • Any operatic aria 20-21stC composition.


Group 5а

1 Round (time limit 15 min)

  • A Baroque aria
  • A chamber vocal piece with a virtuoso piano accompaniment.
  • A chamber vocal piece by a 20-21st C St. Petersburg composer.

2 Round (time limit 20 min)

  •  Any 19-21st C operatic aria.
  • A song by a Western composer (F. Schubert, R. Schumann, J. Brahms, H. Wolf, G. Mahler, R. Strauss).
  • Obligatory composition: romance of the composer of XX–XXI centuries using unconventional playing techniques on the piano — M. Zhurtavlyov “The Mid-summer Night”


Groups 5b and 6a

1 Round (time limit 15 min)

  • A Baroque aria (J.S. Bach, G. Handel, A. Vivaldi, J. Lulli, J. Rameau)
  • A chamber vocal piece with a virtuoso piano accompaniment.
  • A chamber vocal piece by a 20-21st C St. Petersburg composer.

2 Round  (time limit 20 min)

  • Any 19-21st C operatic aria.
  • A song by a Western composer (F. Schubert, R. Schumann, J. Brahms, H. Wolf, G. Mahler, R. Strauss).
  • Obligatory composition: romance of the composer of XX–XXI centuries using unconventional playing techniques on the piano — M. Zhurtavlyov “The Mid-summer Night”


Choral conducting

Groups 4a

1 Roundconducting from memory with piano accompaniment (time limit 15 min)

  • Obligatory composition: V. Kalinnikov (lyrics by I. Bunin) “Condor”
  • A composition a cappella at participant’s discretion.
  • An accompanied composition at participant’s discretion.

One of the last two should be by a mid-20th-early 21stC St. Petersburg/Leningrad composer.


2 Round — choral rehearsal (time limit 15 min)

Recommended works:

  1. P. Tchaikovsky “Bez pory da bez vremeni” 
  2. Yu. Falik “Ot sviatyya Ikony”
  3. M. Partzkhaladze “Apple-tree”
  4. A. Lotti «Vere Languores nostros» 


Groups 4b

1 Roundconducting from memory with piano accompaniment (time limit 15 min)

  • Obligatory composition: P. Tchesnokov “The Alps” (lyrics by F. Tyutchev)
  • A composition a cappella at participant’s discretion.
  • An accompanied composition at participant’s discretion.

One of the last two should be by a mid-20th-early 21stC St. Petersburg/Leningrad composer.

2 Round — choral rehearsal (time limit 15 min female choir)

Recommended works:

  1. P. Tchaikovsky “Bez pory da bez vremeni” 
  2. Yu. Falik “Ot sviatyya Ikony”
  3. M. Partzkhaladze “Apple-tree”
  4. A. Lotti «Vere Languores nostros» 


Groups 5a

1 Roundconducting from memory with piano accompaniment (time limit 15 min)

  • Obligatory composition: G. Sviridov, lyrics by S. Yessenin “The Herd”
  • A composition a cappella at participant’s discretion.
  • An accompanied composition at participant’s discretion.

One of the last two should be by a mid-20th-early 21stC St. Petersburg/Leningrad composer.

2 Round — choral rehearsal (time limit 15 min mixed choir)

Recommended works:

  1. P. Tchaikovsky “St. John Chrysostom’s Liturgy”, op. 41 #13 “Molitva Gospodnya”
  2. J. Brahms “Rosemary” from “Des Knaben Wunderhorn”, op. 62
  3. D. Bortnyansky “Kheruvimskaya pesn’” #7
  4. D. Shostakovich, lyrics by A. Gmyriov “Kaznionnym” (from “Ten Poems to Words by Revolutionary Poets”. Till the meter change)


Groups 5b

1 Roundconducting from memory with piano accompaniment (time limit 15 min)

  • Obligatory composition: D. Shostakovich, lyrics by A. Katz “January 9”
  • A composition a cappella at participant’s discretion.
  • An accompanied composition at participant’s discretion.

One of the last two should be by a mid-20th-early 21stC St. Petersburg/Leningrad composer.

2 Round — choral rehearsal (time limit 15 min mixed choir)

Recommended works:

  1. P. Tchaikovsky “St. John Chrysostom’s Liturgy”, op. 41 #13 “Molitva Gospodnya”
  2. J. Brahms “Rosemary” from “Des Knaben Wunderhorn”, op. 62
  3. D. Bortnyansky “Kheruvimskaya pesn’” #7
  4. D. Shostakovich, lyrics by A. Gmyriov “Kaznionnym” (from “Ten Poems to Words by Revolutionary Poets”. Till the meter change)


Contestants of all the groups may offer a composition of their choice for the rehearsal with the choir other than those specified in the list of recommended works. The contestant is to provide the choir and the jury with sheet music of the rehearsed composition.


Group 6a

1 Roundconducting from memory with piano accompaniment (time limit 15 min)

  • The obligatory composition a cappella: S. Taneyev, Fyodor Tyutchev "Sunrise" Op. 8.
  • An accompanied composition at participant’s discretion.           

2 Round — choral rehearsal (time limit 15 min)

Recommended works:

  1. N. Kedrov – father "Otche nash"
  2. F. Anerio "Motet"
  3. S. Slonimsky, S. Orlov "Night. Small triptych. No. 1 "Water and Sky""
  4. S. Taneyev, lyrics by A. Fet "Serenade"

Contestants of all the groups may offer a composition of their choice for the rehearsal with the choir other than those specified in the list of recommended works. The contestant is to provide the choir and the jury with sheet music of the rehearsed composition.


Group 6b

1 Roundconducting from memory with piano accompaniment (time limit 15 min)

  • The obligatory composition a cappella: P. Tchesnokov “St. John Chrysostom’s Liturgy”, op. 9 “Slava… i nyne”
  • An accompanied composition at participant’s discretion.

2 Round — choral rehearsal (time limit 15 min)

Recommended works:

  1. P. Tchaikovsky “Bez pory da bez vremeni”.
  2. P. Chesnokov, fragments of Liturgies and all-night vigil, Op. 9, No. 3, "Glory...only begotten Son"
  3. Yu "From The Holy Icons"
  4. A. Lotti "Vere Languores nostros"

Contestants of all the groups may offer a composition for the rehearsal with the choir other than those specified in the list of recommended works. The contestant is to provide the choir and the jury with sheet music of the rehearsed composition.


Choral singing

Group 7а

1 Round (time limit 10 min)

  • A composition a cappella.
  • Compositions by Russian composers.

2 Round (time limit 10 min)

  • A 20th-21stC work by a compatriot of the choir.
  • Works by foreign composers at the choir's discretion


Group 7b and 7c

1 Round (time limit 10 min)

  • A composition a cappella.
  • Compositions by Russian composers.

2 Round (time limit 10 min)

  • A 20th-21stC work by a compatriot of the choir.
  • Works by foreign composers at the choir's discretion.


Group 8

1 Round (time limit 15 min)

  • A composition a cappella.
  • Compositions by Russian composers.

2 Round (time limit 15 min)

  • A 20th-21stC work by a compatriot of the choir country (region) of the participant of the contest.
  • One work by composers from other countries.


Group 9

1 Round (time limit 10 min)

  • Two contrasting pieces.

2 Round (time limit 15 min)

  • A 20th-21stC work by a compatriot of the choir.
  • Works by Russian composers of 1800-1950.


The Organization Board reserves the right to recommend changes in an applicant’s proposition if the choices do not meet the repertoire requirements.


X. Contacts

Organization Committee, Institute of Music, Theatre and Choreography, 2 per. Kakhovskogo, 199155, St. Petersburg, Russia.

Phone: +7 (812) 350 0812.  

Phone/fax:     +7 (812) 350 9652

E-mail:    zerkalo-muz@mail.ru


Institute of Music, Theatre and Choreography web-site:



In case of dispute the Russian version of the Regulations will be final authority.


Application form

IX International competition “Saint-Petersburg Reflected in World’s Music Culture”

Full Name


Date of birth


Place of birth


Educational institution

(Official name)




Teacher’s full name


Accompanist’s full name


Home address


Phone (with country/city code)




Passport data

(serial number, name of authority issued, date of issue)









Please, specify the composer’s full name, opus number, key and duration

1 Round




2 Round





Enclosed documents:

  • A photograph;
  • A photocopy of birth certificate or of a corresponding page of passport;
  • A photocopy of degree/educational certificate or an academic transcript;
  • A photocopy of bank receipt proving payment of the entry fee.

I abide by the regulations of the competition.


Date ________________________                                      Signature_________________________



Application form for Groups 7а, 7b, 7c, 8 and 9

IX International competition “Saint-Petersburg Reflected in World’s Music Culture”

Name of choir



Number of members

Singers___________, Accompanying persons___________,


Address (country, city, mail address)



Phone (with country/city code)


E-mail, web-site (if any)


Director’s full name (titles, if any)


Full name of the accompanist (if any)


Full name of the person to contact


His/her phone/fax (with country/city code)


His/her e-mail


Sending organization (if any)

Head of the organization









Please, specify the composer’s full name, opus number, key and duration






Enclosed documents:

  • A photograph;
  • A photocopy of birth certificate or of a corresponding page of passport;
  • A photocopy of degree/educational certificate or an academic transcript;
  • A photocopy of bank receipt proving payment of the entry fee.

I abide by the regulations of the competition.


Date ________________________                                      Signature_________________________

Последнее изменение: 16 декабря 2020 г. в 14:34:27
Автор: Трифонова Елена Николаевна
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