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Проект «Александрова дорога»: 1 СЕРИЯ. ПЕРЕСЛАВЛЬ-ЗАЛЕССКИЙ. НАЧАЛО ПУТИ

03 октября 2022

Телеканал 78: «Реальная политика»

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РГПУ им. А.И. ГерценаОбщийСтруктураФакультетыИнститут музыки, театра и хореографииКОНКУРСЫ & ФЕСТИВАЛИМеждународный конкурс «САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГ В ЗЕРКАЛЕ МИРОВОЙ МУЗЫКАЛЬНОЙ КУЛЬТУРЫ»АРХИВEnglish version


The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
The Committee of Science and Higher Education of the Saint-Petersburg Government
The Committee of Culture of the Saint-Petersburg Government
Union of Concert Performances of Saint-Petersburg
The Union of Composers of Saint-Petersburg
The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
The Fifth International Competition
27 November – 4 December 2011
Organized by the RSPU College of Music

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency on Education, the Committee on Science and Higher Education of the Saint-Petersburg City Government, the Committee on Culture of the Saint- Petersburg Сity Government, the Union of Composers of Saint-Petersburg and the A.I. Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia (RSPU) are announcing the Forth International Competition “Saint – Petersburg reflected in World’s musical culture”. The competition’s goal is to find and promote talented performers among teachers working in the sphere of vocational and higher  musical pedagogical education as well as among undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate students majoring in music pedagogy and among students of specialised secondary schools and community colleges.


I.         Participation: 
The competition is open to tree groups of the participants:
1. Students of community colleges and special music classes at secondary and high schools born between 27th of November 1986 and 27th of November 1997.
2. Undergraduate and graduate students born between 27th of November 1981 and 27th of November 1994.
3. Post — graduate students and teachers with no age limit.
       The above groups will compete separately. 
II.                Categories: 
·        Piano solo
·        Symphonic Instruments
·        Russian Folk Instruments, Guitar and Accordion
·        Solo voice
·        Choral Conducting
·        Ensembles
·        Collaborative piano
III.             General rules 
The competition will be held in tree rounds, irrespective to a category. The first round is the selective audition held at the educational institution where the competitor studies or works. The required repertory for the first round is that for the second one plus a piece for the third one. The selective audition is to be held between 28th and 31st of October 2011.
The order of appearance in the second and the third rounds will be drawn by lot prior to the beginning of the second round and remain the same until the end of the competition.
The second round will be held from November 28 till November 30, 2011; the third one — from December 1 till December 3, 2011.
One participant may take part in multiple categories.
All auditions are open to the public. They will take place in concert halls of the RSPU.
Practice facilities in the studios of the RSPU College of Music as well as rehearsals in the above halls are provided for all the participants.
Participants will be provided with RSPU accompanists if they apply to the Organization Board in advance.
Prize–winners are bound to take part in the final concert.
The Organization Board reserves all the rights for audio / video recording of the competition without any payment to the participants.
IV.              Prizes 
The criteria of evaluation of the participants are as follows:
· personal interpretation of the repertory;
· understanding of styles and compositional principles in the process of creating of the poetic image;
· performance culture (architectonic feeling, richness of sonorous palette, rhythm and intonation, precise articulation, expressiveness of dynamics etc.);
· mastery in overcoming technical difficulties;
· Artistry, brightness of self-expression.
The winners will be awarded prizes and souvenirs and will be given titles of “laureate” or “diplomant” (honorable mention).  
Best accompanists and illustrators will be given titles of “diplomants” (honorable mention).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
 V.         Jury: 
The jury will consist of well-known Russian and foreign musicians.
10-score system is used for evaluation of every performance without preliminary discussion. Extreme points being rejected the average score is counted up according to the rest of voting jurors. The Returning Committee will be appointed by the Organization Board.
Rounds are evaluated separately.
6,5 is the minimum score to be admitted to the Third Round.
Summing up the results of the Second and the Third Rounds the First, Second, Third Prize-winners and honorable mentions are defined. In particular cases a Prize may be divided between several participants.
Honorable mention may be granted to the best accompanists in all categories except for Piano solo, Ensembles and Collaborative piano.
In addition to laureateship and honorable mention special prizes could be also awarded (for the best performance of music by a regional composer, for the best performance of a piece by Leningrad/St. Petersburg composer, for the best performance of the large-scale composition etc.).
The decision of the jury is final and beyond appeal.
VI.              Financial regulations: 
The Entry Competition Fees are 2000 Rub for Groups 1 and 2 and 3500 Rub for Group 3. Participation in multiple categories implies paying Entry Fee for each one. Non-CIS citizens may pay their Entry Competition Fees on arrival provided that they are not currently associated with any CIS countries educational institution.
The Entry Fee is not refundable. 
Participation in multiple categories implies entry fee payment for each one. 
·        All traveling, accommodation and other expenses are the responsibility of the participants.
·        Participants must acquire their passports, visas and medical insurances on their own.
Participants may be provided an accommodation in the Herzen University Hotel.
VII.      The Order of application 
To be enrolled participants should mail to the Organization Board not later than November 5, 2011 (the date to be defined by post stamp) the following documents.
·        Completed application form (any changes in the form, if they appear to be necessary afterwards, will be considered by the Organization Board individually).
·        Photocopy of all documents specified in the application form.
·        Photocopy of the bank transfer document proving payment of entry fee.
·        2 photographs (electronic version preferable).
VIII.        The Organization Board 
The Organization Board has been formed to organize and to carry out the competition. It is commissioned to resolve all matters arising both before and after the beginning of the contest. The members of the Organization Board have been appointed by the Rector of RSPU.
IX.              Repertoire requirements 
The choice of repertoire is at the participant’s discretion within repertoire requirements.
The participant, taking part in several categories, must not perform the same program.
All participants are bound to include in their program a piece either written by a St.-Petersburg / Leningrad composer or thematically connected with the City on the Neva River.
A piece by a contemporary composer means one written in or after 1940.

All pieces must be played from memory (except for subdivisions b) and c) of category Ensembles and Collaborative piano).

Performance of the same piece on the 2nd and the 3rd Round is not allowed.
Participants are to provide the Jury with the music they perform.
Piano solo
      Second Round (duration limit — 20 min.).
1.      A polyphonic cycle (Prelude and Fugue by Bach, Shostakovitch, Shchedrin or Slonimsky, or Interlude and Fugue by Hindemith)
2.      3 contrasting pieces, including one by a compatriot of the participant (by a regional composer) and a work by a contemporary composer
     Third Round (duration limit – 30 min)
1.      A large – scale work (a sonata (the 1st or the 2d and the 3d movements) or variations) by Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven or Schubert
2.      One concert study or a virtuoso piece by a composer of the XIXth century.
Symphonic Instruments (Strings, Woodwinds, Brass)

      Second Round (duration limit – 15 min)

1.      One concert study or a virtuoso piece
2.      2 contrasting pieces, including a work by a contemporary composer
     Third Round (duration limit – 25 min)
1.      A large scale composition ? a sonata/a concerto (the 1st or the 2d and the 3d movements),  a fantasy, or a suite consisting of at least 3 movements.
2.      3 contrasting pieces, including one by a compatriot of the participant (by a regional composer).
Russian Folk Instruments, Guitar and Accordion

      Second Round (duration limit – 20 min)

1.   One concert study or an important virtuoso composition
2.   2 contrasting pieces (accordionists are required to include a polyphonic composition in 3 -4 parts), including a folk tune arrangement, or the work of a contemporary composer
     Third Round (duration limit – 25 min)
1.         A large scale composition — a sonata/a concerto (the 1st or the 2d and the 3d movements), original variations, a fantasy, or a suite consisting of at least 3 movements
2.        2 contrasting pieces, including one by a compatriot of the participant (by a regional composer).
  Ensembles (a)Piano duo, b)various chamber ensembles, c)ensembles of folk instruments)

      Second Round (duration limit – 20 min)

1.   2 contrasting short pieces, including a work by a contemporary composer
2.  An important virtuoso piece
   Third Round (duration limit – 30 min)
1.      A large scale composition (a sonata/concerto (the 1st or the 2d and the 3d movements), variations, a fantasy, or a suite)
2.   2 contrasting pieces, including one by a compatriot of the participant (by a regional composer)
Only one arrangement or transcription is allowed on the program
Solo voice
Group 1 
      Second Round (duration limit – 15 min)
An operatic aria by a composer of the XVII–XVIII centuries
A folk tune
     Third Round  (duration limit – 20 min)
An operatic aria by a Russian or a Western composer.
A song by a Russian or a Western composer  
Group 2 and 3
       Second Round (duration limit – 15 min)
1.      An operatic aria by a composer of the XVII–XVIII centuries
2.      A folk tune
3.      A song by a Russian or a Western composer.
      Third Round (duration limit – 20 min)
1.   An operatic aria by a Russian composer.
2.   An operatic aria by a Western composer.
3.   A vocal composition by a compatriot of the participant (by a regional composer) written in the XX-XXI cent.
Collaborative piano

 Group 1

   Second Round
1.      Any operatic aria written in or after the second half of the XVIIIth century
2.      A vocal composition by a St. Petersburg author written after 1940.
   Third Round
1.         A song by a non-Russian composer
2.         A song by a Russian composer.
3.         Any operatic aria written in or after the second half of the XVIIIth century
Group 2 and 3
   Second Round
1.       An operatic aria by a Western composer written in or after the second half of the XVIIIth century (to be performed in original language)
2.       A song by a St. Petersburg composer of the second half of the XXth century
3.       A song by a Russian composer from the list (see Attachment 1) (or similar in difficulty) with virtuoso-like piano accompaniment
   Third Round
  1. An operatic aria by a     Russian composer
  2. A song by a Western    composer (F. Schubert, R. Schumann, J. Brahms, H. Wolf, G. Maler, R. Strauss)
  3. Compulsory piece: the    song by a St. Petersburg composer using contemporary notation (music    available on: www.herzen.spb.ru — click on “ФАКУЛЬТЕТ МУЗЫКИ” then click on “КОНКУРСЫ”; the    Organization Board provides with an illustrator and rehearsals).
  Choral Conducting

 Group 1 and 2:

       Second Round (duration limit – 10 min)
1.    One piece for mixed choir a’cappella by St. Petersburg composers at the participant’s discretion:   (the participants must provide the Jury with 3 copies of the pieces performed) ( to be conducted from memory with piano accompaniment)

2.    Two movement from the cantata “Songs of Kursk” by G. Sviridov (for instance, ##1and 2, 4 and 5, 6 and 7)

Third Round (duration limit – 20 min)
1. A rehearsal of a piece from the list (see Attachment 2) drawn by lot after the Second Round (with female choir)

Group 3

Second Round (duration limit – 20 min)
  1. One piece from the set “The heart but goes on” (“No biotsa    serdtse”) by V. Salmanov
  2. One scene from  “Boris    Godunov”’ “Prologue” by M. Moussorgsky
(to be conducted from memory with piano accompaniment) 
Third Round (duration limit – 20 min)
A rehearsal with mixed choir of a piece from the list (see Attachment 3) drawn by lot after the Second Round
Choral scores for the rehearsal with choir on the Third Round for Groups 1 and 2 (Attachment 2)  are available on www.herzen.spb.ru– click on “ФАКУЛЬТЕТМУЗЫКИ” then click on “ КОНКУРСЫ”
The Organization Board reserves the right to recommend changes in an applicant’s proposed program if the choices do not meet the repertoire requirements.


VIII.    Address and telephones:

Orgboard of Competition

Kakhovskogo per, 2.
199155, Saint-Petersburg,Russia
Tel.         +7 (812) – 350-25-01
Tel./Fax.: +7 (812) – 350-96-52

                   The Entry Competition Feeis paid by credit transfer to the RSPU account:

Банковские реквизиты  для перечисления вступительного взноса:


Сокращенное  названиеРГПУ им. А. И.  Герцена
Адрес191186,  Санкт-Петербург, наб.р. Мойки, 48
Телефон(812) 571-16-99
факс(812) 312-11-95
Код отрасли по  ОКОНХ92110
Код отрасли по ОКПО02079520
Наименование банка
ГРКЦ ГУ Банка  России по г. Санкт-Петербургу
г. Санкт-Петербург
ИНН 7808027849 КПП 7824001001
ОКАТО 40298562000
УФК по г.  Санкт-Петербургу
(РГПУ им. А. И. Герцена,  л/с 03721А29790)
Расчетный счет40 503 810 600  001 000 001
Корреспондентский  счетнет
БИК044 030 001
В платежном поручении (квитанции сбербанка) указать:
КБК  074 302 01 001 000 0130 


Оплата участия в «IV Международном конкурсе музыкантов».    

  Примечание: При себе просим иметь копию платежного поручения с отметкой банка.

As a confirmation that the payment has been made, please fax a copy of the bank transfer document to Herzen University.
 In case of disputes the Russian version of the text will be the final authority.

  Addition  Information:

 Organization Board of the Competition
2 Kakhovskogo pereulok, St. Petersburg, Russia
Subway’s Station “Primorskaya”
Phone: 007 (812) 350-96-52
Coordinator: Mikhail Vorotnoy


Attachment 1

A. Borodin  “The Sea” (ballade) (Morje)

V. Vlasov “To the Bakhchisaray Palace Fountain” (Fontanu Bakhchisarajskogo dvortsa

V. Gavrilin  “Seju-veju” from “The Russian Note-book”

M. Glinka  “The Winner” (Pobeditel’), “Poputnaja” from “The Farewell to St. Petersburg”

A. Dargomyzhsky   “The Night Zephyr”

M. Mussorgsky  Any piece from “The Songs and Dances of Death”, “Gopak” from the poem “Gaidamaki”

S. Rachmaninoff  “I beg you, stay with me!” (O net molu ne ukhodi), “Fragment from Musset”, “Spring Waters” (Vesennije vodi), “I am no Prophet”(Jan e prorok), “I am waiting for you” (Ja zhdu tebja), “Deprived of all” (Vsjo otnjal u menja), “Orion”, “In secret silence of the Night…” (V molchanji nichi tajnoj…), “It’s Time!” (Pora!)

N. Rimsky-Korsakov “I know she loves me” (Ja verju ja lubim), “The Prophet”, “A Night Dream” (Snovidenije), “It’s not the wind from the Highland” (Ne veter, veja s vysoti), “Singing brighter than the lark” (Zvonche zhavoronka penje)

S. Prokofiev  “The room was full of sunlight” (Solntse komnatu napolnilo) from “5 Verses by A. Akhmatova”, “A Chatter-box” from “3 children’s songs”

G. Sviridov  “Approaching Izhores” (Podjezhaja pod izhory)

S. Tanejev   “Uneasy Heart is beating” (Biotsa serdtse bespokojnoje)

P. Tschaikovsky  “Whether in daytime…” (Den’ li tsarit), “Do understand but once” (Pojmi khot’ raz), “Take my heart away” (Unosi mojo serdtse),  “I want a single word…” (Khotel by v jedinoje slovo…), “Oh if you could…” (O jesli b ty mogla…), “In this moon night…” (V etu lunnuju noch)

Yu. Shaporin  “The Conjuration”

D. Shostakovitch  “The Day of Joy” from “5 songs on lyrics by E. Dolmatovsky”, “The Awakening of Spring”, “The Posterity” and “The Kreizer Sonata” from “The Satyres”

 Attachment 2
1. Andreas Rauch «Ach Weh des Leiden»
2. А. Kastalskiy «Tebe poem»
3. V. Shebalin «Dikiy vinograd» op. 44, №2
4. М. Partshaladze «More spit» op. 19, №20
5. Russian folk song «Trava moya, travushka» arr. by А. Loginov
6. D. Stefanovich «Quasi una fantasia»
 Attachment 3 
1. Ya. Arkadel’t Ave Maria
2. T. Victoriya Ave Maria
3. F. List Ave Maria


The Forth International Music Competition 

“Saint-Petersburg reflected in World’s musical culture” 


27 November – 4 December 2011

Application Form

Applicant      ______________________________________________________

                                              first name   middle name   last name

Date and place of  birth ______________________________________________
Organization   _____________________________________________________
Position   _________________________________________________________

Name of Applicant,s Teacher ________________________________________


Name of Applicant,s Accompanist_____________________________________


Home address (phone/fax with country code, e-mail)   _________________________   _______________________________


Telephone   __________________   Fax   ___________________ e-mail _________________

(Composer’s name, opus number, key and duration)
2 Round
3 Round

I abide by the regulations of the competition

 Date                   Signature
Attached documents:

·        2 photo (electronic version preferable)

·        Photocopy of the birth certificate or a page of applicant’s passport stating date of birth.

·        Photocopy of the applicant’s document of education (diploma/transcript).

·        Photocopy of the bank transfer document proving payment of entry fee.

Последнее изменение: 21 февраля 2013 г. в 18:20:16
Автор: Аврамкова Ирина Семеновна
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