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11 октября 2022

Проект «Александрова дорога»: 1 СЕРИЯ. ПЕРЕСЛАВЛЬ-ЗАЛЕССКИЙ. НАЧАЛО ПУТИ

03 октября 2022

Телеканал 78: «Реальная политика»

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РГПУ им. А.И. ГерценаОбщийСтруктураФакультетыЭкономики English versionAbout the Faculty

About the Faculty

The Faculty of Economics is headed by Professor Alexey Y. Linkov, a prominent economist, author/editor of textbooks for secondary and higher-education students, coordinator of a number of research projects in economic theory and in the economics and finance of education.

The Faculty has a staff of highly competent professionals devoted to academic and research work. 80 percent of the Faculty staff hold Candidate’s degree; 17 percent are Doctors of Economics. Three of the staff (Professors A.Y.Linkov, M.A.Skliar and B.I.Tabachnikas) are Honored Workers of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation; Professor B.I.Tabachnikas is Honorary Professor of Herzen State Pedagogical University.
In its present form, the Faculty of Economics dates back to 1992. However, Herzen University has a long-time tradition of instruction in economics. Already in the Imperial Foundling House late in the eighteenth century pupils were taught “the arts belonging to the economy”. In the twentieth century, with the establishment of the University, the social-economic faculty was set up; the basics of economics were also taught at the rest of faculties. Teaching and methodological work and research in the field of economics concentrated at the Department of Political Economy.
The present Faculty’s was created with the mission to train teachers of economics at the secondary school level. The Faculty is still a leading provider of cadres of professionals in economic, legal and social education at the various levels. The Faculty, though, gradually increased the scope of its programs to train professionals in management and business. We currently offer four undergraduate programs and four graduate programs. Over 1000 students study at the Faculty.
The Faculty also provides postgraduate training. The Faculty’s Dissertation Council is authorized to grant qualifications such as Candidate of Economics and Doctor of Economics.
Research at the Faculty focuses on issues in the economics of systemic transformation. The Faculty hosts the international conference series “National Economy Under Globalization” and is engaged in active scholarly cooperation with universities in Germany, the United States, Japan and other countries.
Students, too, have partaken in the Faculty’s international cooperation. Some have participated in a number of exchange programs and summer schools organized by American and German universities, gained traineeships and internships at established foreign companies. A regular participant in the SIFE (Students in Free Enterprise) program involving over 150 universities in forty countries, the Faculty team has been a repeated winner in the national competition. As a SIFE Russia National Champion, the team has competed at the SIFE World Cup finals in the United States, Great Britain, Spain, Canada and France.

Последнее изменение: 21 июня 2011 г. в 14:34:48
Автор: Соловейкина Мария Павловна
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