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  • International scholars conference «World War II as a problem of the national memory»
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РГПУ им. А.И. ГерценаОбщийДеятельностьКонференции2009Международная научная конференция «Вторая мировая война как проблема национальной памяти»International scholars conference «World War II as a problem of the national memory»

International scholars conference «World War II as a problem of the national memory»

Dear Colleagues,

September 2009 will be the 70th anniversary since the beginning of the World War II being a logical topic of interest for historians, law scientists, writers and teachers.

Herzen University (Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia) is holding an international scholars conference on the topic «World War II as a problem of the national memory», 24-26 September 2009. The followed issues are expected to be discussed there:

  • unknown facts and materials, new publications concerning the World War Two;
  • transformation of war memories in the mass perception;
  • World War Two — the Great Patriotic War: a Post-Soviet area perspective;
  • World War Two and the analysis of war outcomes in Eastern and Western Europe;
  • teaching of the World War Two history;
  • World War Two victory memorials and memorial cemeteries;
  • museums perspective on the war topic;
  • mass media and the war perception;

Scholars, teachers, museum workers, journalists from Russia, other republics of the ex-Soviet Union, Austria, Germany, Poland and others will take part at the conference.

Collected presentations of participants will be published based on the forum results.

Application deadline is the 1 July 2009.

Languages used in the conference are Russian and English.

Presentation texts (not more than 18000 symbols) must be submitted by the 1th September 2009.

Assistance while applying for visa and hotel reservation provided (living and transportation expenses are paid by participants or organisations they represent).

Applications can be submitted tokantor@hermitage.ru

Organisation Committee Chief, History Sciences Doctor,
Prof. of General History Department 
Herzen University (Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia) 
Julia Kantor

Последнее изменение: 17 июля 2010 г. в 13:06:56
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